Minnesota State Fair

Sep 6, 2022

Some great pictures from the Minnesota State Fair, taken by Chris Sandquist.

In case the photos of the two running kids confuse you, I’ll clue you in: One of my favorite bits at gigs like this is enlisting the “help” of a kid in the first row. I ask them to help me out by running back and forth in front of the stage, as fast as they can, for the duration of the song. The kids are always happy to oblige, they run like mad, the crowd cheers, they get lots of glory. When the song is over I tell the parent that their kid is going to sleep really well when they get home, and that they owe me $15 for tuckering out their kid. The whole audience laughs. It’s a good bit.

This year I had the good fortune of enlisting two little dudes who were both great: Sam (who ran the entire song holding a giant stuffed frog), and towheaded Asher. Both of them exuded the kind of joy that one only shows after completing a momentous task. They were great. Sam even came up and gave me a hug after the show.

Thanks again Chris for the photos! Thanks to the Tinglers for backing me up! Thanks to all those who came out to rock with us!! We’ll do it again!