Mickey Mouse Eefing

Apr 10, 2022

Friends, I don’t know if any of you remember me doing a “vague-book” post a few months ago about something “really big” that happened. I’m happy to tell you now that it’s out for public consumption: I was hired to perform some eefing in a Mickey Mouse cartoon! You can watch it now on Disney Plus, it’s the Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse, season 2, episode 2, “The Wonderful Spring of Mickey Mouse.” Not only was it a thrill to do some hillbilly rhythmic wheezing for a real, honest-to-god Disney cartoon, but it also tickled my innards to think that this gig made me the world’s only PROFESSIONAL EEFER! Finally, something tangible for my epitaph.

Thanks to Chris Willis at Disney for making this happen. I’m sure this post will get yanked by a corporate bot soon, but go check it out if you have Disney Plus. And if you’ve been wondering how I’ve managed to pull off the plate reverbs and Scully lathe capers the last couple of months, I have to offer thanks to Johnny Knoxville and Mickey Mouse! I AM AVAILABLE FOR MORE FILM AND TV WORK. Credits now include Paramount, ABC, HBO, Disney, and many more!

Watch a video!