Well, that was fun and unexpected! Jon Spencer (he of the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, a quite-famous band a few years back) contacted me out of the blue a few weeks ago and asked to book a recording session at my studio while they were on tour on the West Coast as part of a package tour with Samantha Fish and Cedric Burnside. Of course I said yes! I never get to record noisy, raw, punk blues stuff. This would be fun and, well, unexpected!
I didn’t know when we made plans to record that Jon also wanted ME to play on the songs. I know the kids are all crazy about the “collabs,” as they call it, so hell yes, that sounded like fun! Count me in!
Jon and his current band (Kendall Wind on bass and Macky Spider Bowman on drums) showed up at the house at noon, along with their road manager Dave Martin. Within 30 minutes we were recording songs I had never heard before, and laying them DOWN.
I think the tracks sound great! I look forward to mixing these and seeing what happens. I like doing stuff out of my normal wheelhouse. Jon and the band couldn’t have been nicer (or more professional—man, we just got right down to work). By 3 pm they were on the road to Ventura, where they are playing tonight at the Ventura Theater, along with Samantha Fish and Cedric Burnside. Thanks again, Jon! it was a pleasure! And thanks again to Bloodshot Bill for putting Jon and me in touch!
Check out video clips from the day at Deke’s original post.