Advance Proof Copy of My Merle Travis Book

Aug 3, 2022

Well, I’ll be! IT’S REAL! I just got an advance proof copy of my Merle Travis book. The books will be finished and distributed in time for the (rescheduled) November release date!! You can preorder your copy now on Amazon, and it will be delivered to you in November!

After working on the book for three and a half years, experiencing a year and a half delay in publishing due to Covid, then another six-month delay due to supply chain issues getting books printed, I can’t believe it’s actually here. It looks even better than I’d hoped. I’m really pleased with how it turned out, and you will be too.

Thanks again to Scott B. Bomar at BMG Publishing for believing in the project, Merle’s daughters, Merlene and Cindy, for having faith in me to properly tell their father’s story, and all the other people who contributed in both large and small ways to making this a reality.

The only thing that really breaks my heart is that we are getting these advance copies literally just weeks after Merle’s biological son Thom Bresh passed away, as well as my friend Dave Stewart, who published the Cannonball Rag newsletter for many years. I sure wish they could have seen it.
