
Articles and thoughts from the mind of Deke

RIP Jeremy Tepper

RIP Jeremy Tepper

Lots of people knew Jeremy and will have their own stories to share about the guy, but I can say that he was one of my greatest allies over the years.

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RIP Duncan

RIP Duncan

Today was a sad day here at the house. If you remember my little dog buddy, Duncan, the feisty but lovable little chihuahua, we had to put him down at the vet today.

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Harmon and Kitty Dickerson

Harmon and Kitty Dickerson

I’ve been reflecting at how lucky I was to get the parents that I had. I didn’t get to choose them, but I feel like I won the lotto when I got Harman Dickerson as my dad and Kitty Dickerson as my mom.

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RIP Jerry Case

RIP Jerry Case

Jerry was a wildly talented jazz guitarist who played with many of the Western swing and jazz bands in Texas, including the last touring version of the Texas Playboys that Bob Wills played with, circa 1966–67, before moving to Los Angeles.

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RIP Duane Eddy

RIP Duane Eddy

This has been a rough year! Larry Collins, J. M. Van Eaton, so many of the heroes that I’ve been fortunate enough to play with have been booked to play the party up in the sky.

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Movies on the Plane

Movies on the Plane

Since no one cares, I figured I would offer my list of movies that I watched flying to Germany and flying back home.

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At the Boatright Home in Norwalk

At the Boatright Home in Norwalk

Semie Moseley, the founder of Mosrite, customized guitars (and I believe even built a guitar or two) before he wound up living at this residence around 1952 or 1953.

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Operation Flagstone

Operation Flagstone

Today as I was walking around the neighborhood, I saw one of those big dumpsters outside a house, and these folks were stripping all the flagstone off one part of their house and dumping it.

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